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Firework Safety

by | Oct 29, 2022 | General

Sadly every year despite numerous safety warnings, firework celebrations still end very badly for too many people, including very young children.

Yet fireworks can be a great way to celebrate for individuals and families no matter the occassion, Guy Fawkes Night, Diwali, New Year’s Eve, Chinese New Year, Weddings, etc.

Whilst injury figures support the advice that the safest place to enjoy fireworks is at a large public display (far fewer people are injured) many people understandably still prefer a smaller family or private party.

If you are going to be having a firework party at home, you can make the occasion enjoyable and safe for everyone by following the Firework Code, as well as some general sparkler and bonfire safety tips.

Firework code

Only adults should deal with setting up firework displays, the lighting of fireworks and the safe disposal of the fireworks once they have been used.

Alcohol and fireworks don’t mix – we all know fireworks are dangerous if used incorrectly and just like ‘drinking and driving’ the chances of an accident occuring multiply considerably if you’re impaired.

Children and young people should be supervised, and watch and enjoy fireworks at a safe distance.

Follow these tips for a safer fireworks party:

Plan your firework display to make it safe and enjoyable, and check the time you can legally set off fireworks (normally 11pm and 7am, midnight on Bonfire Night and 1am on New Years Eve)

Only buy your fireworks from a licensed retailer – in GB look for the UKCA markings and in NI the UKNI symbol.

Keep your fireworks in a closed box, and use them one at a time

Don’t put fireworks in pockets

Read and follow the instructions on each firework using a torch if necessary

Light fireworks one at a time, at arm’s length, with a taper and stand well back

Never throw fireworks

Keep sources of ignition, naked flames, including cigarettes, away from fireworks

Never return to a firework once it has been lit

Direct any rocket fireworks well away from spectators

Last but not least be considerate and let your neighbours know if you will be having a display, especially if they are elderly or they have pets or children.

Sparkler safety

Sparklers are often viewed as being harmless but they burn at vey high temperatures. Follow these top tips for sparkler safety:

It is recommended that sparklers are not given to children under-5

Make sure everyone handling sparklers wears gloves

Hold sparklers at arm’s length while being lit and light them one at a time

Don’t wave sparklers about when you are close to other people

Never hold a baby or young child in your arms when holding a sparkler

When the sparkler has finished douse it in a bucket of cold water.

Bonfire safety

One person should be responsible for planning and controlling the bonfire

Children should be supervised

Choose a site away from wooden fences, sheds and where children will be playing

Never pour fuels such as petrol, paraffin or oils on to a fire – it is much safer to use fire lighters to prevent flare-ups

Keep a bucket of water (or hose) handy in case of an accident

Avoid loose clothing

Don’t leave the fire to burn out once people have left, douse the fire with water.

Most importantly – Stay Safe and have Fun!